Naturally Nanny is a registered childcare placement agency in Hong-Kong specialising in providing qualified nannies and babysitters to families.

The client approached us for a complete site redesign and a new brand identity. It was clearly emphasised that the new design should exude an image of trust to make parents comfortable with hiring a sitter online. 

In addition, the client needed an efficient system to capture information from families and childcare professionals on the website.

After a thorough research of the client's business and target audience, we committed to creating a brand identity and user experience that would enable a feeling of trust and warmth. We designed a logo using a refreshing handwriting typography.  

The end result was a visually striking, simple to navigate web presence that highlighted the various services offered by the client. The design was coupled with a back-end functionality i.e. Content Management System that enabled the client to update content, capture information and manage the inflow of enquiries.

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